It was Lord Acton, the British historian, who said: “All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
These are indeed Epoch Times. Individual freedom is being taken away by those in power. Just last night the ‘powers that be’ shut down social media platforms that did not fit their narrative. This is a historically reoccurring tendency. In order to maintain control those in power endlessly extinguish the flames of freedom ignited by those who resist being controlled.
The ‘spark of freedom’ has always been in each individual human’s heart. It is God’s Gift to each of us. There are times, often during natural disasters or manmade crisis, when it is easier for those in power to exert more control over this love of freedom than usual. If the individual is not free then no ‘social good’ is healthy. Fascism and communism make these demands. In every example whether it is nazi Germany or communist Russia failure is the result. Let me explain this conflict.
The ‘social democrat’ will demand that, “What is good for the group or groups in society is therefore good for the individual.” This is false. This call for ‘the good of society’ eventually proves to be destructive. I can give you an example which has personal significance. The example is how America’s governments both federal and states chose and still choose to educate Deaf Children with ‘Sign Language’.
Woodrow Wilson was our first social democrat (socialist) president. It was during his terms of office that nationally and statewide schools for the deaf were established. During this time Alexander Graham Bell was promoting and establishing ‘Oral Education for The Deaf’ programs. Like it so often is Wilson in his ’ignorance’ pushed forward with the ‘Sign Language’ method for educating children born ‘hearing impaired.’ Wilson in his stupidity was blind to the fact that Bell’s wife, Mabel Hubbard Bell, was deaf. Mable Bell may have been deaf but she was a gifted individual. Mabel Bell was the business mind behind the Bell Corporation which became American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T). Because she was an Oral Deaf Person she fit into society and contributed immensely!
The Bells became so frustrated with America’s resistance to the ‘Oral Method’ that they moved to Canada which was more accepting of their more modern method.
Wilson in his self inflated wisdom promoted a system of education for Deaf Children that sadly still exist today. Why is that sad? Sad because the fact is that signing children achieve on average an eighth grade education. While Orally Educated Deaf Children become college educated, some going on to achieve doctorate degrees even in medicine and dentistry. So what may seem ‘Good For All’ may in the end be damaging to many. As George MacDonald would remind us, “Institutions and social movements are temporary but the individual (God’s Child) last for eternity!” (Paraphrased)
In the end ‘Those in Power’ in their delusion may think they have a ‘good solution’ but it is just Warped Thinking…
The Good Lord has all Power…
So Show me your Glory…
This video is several years old but speak to reminds us that our Power comes from God. It is up to us to take it upon ourselves…
Let the Good Lord’s Power in…With it comes the Ultimate Peace…
For more from Lord Acton see this website: