Obama is a fraud…

Happy Anniversary Obamacare!

Clint 'Obama the Hoax'

Happy Anniversary Obamacare!

Five years ago today B. HUSSEIN Obama succeeded in cramming Obamacare down the democrat congress’ throat. No republican voted for it. They were too smart. Since its passage Obamacare has been an unmitigated disaster. Many millions lost their health insurance, with which they were happy. There are more uninsured now than before it became ’law.’   (Remember Obama promised that under his ‘plan’ everyone would be covered for health insurance. ‘No more uninsured americans,’ he promised. ) The results have been the opposite. The premiums generally cost the individual more than before or more than promised. The deductibles are outrageously high.  With such high deductibles why have insurance at all except for catastrophic accidents or illnesses. The American public realizes what a fraud the law is.

Then ask the doctors what ‘Obamacare’ has meant to them. First, their time is stolen from the patients. More paperwork robbing them from time they used to spend with the patient. Time wasted entering data into a national computer system which has limited benefits and risks breaching patient confidentiality, a violation of the HIPPA Act. Second, unnecessary control by bureaucrats in Washington making decisions that should be between the doctor and patient. Those bureaucrats probably have no medical expertise. They are money crunchers. They care about the cost and not the patients’ wellbeing. These are the two obvious complaints I hear from the medical community.

Obamacare was a fraud and is a fraud. B. HUSSEIN Obama is a slick talker. He promises and he lies. I agree with Clint, who said that Obama is a ‘Hoax.’ The American public was duped. They are wiser now. The media is showing signs of wising up too. Can this be undone? I have my doubts.  Will Obama realize his mistake? I don’t believe that can happen either.  When I was a young man in school we called people like Obama ‘arrogant pricks.’ It still fits….

Obamacare was one of his first disaster! He keeps creating more….


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