Now We Are Free…

To Be Free…


I heard this beautiful song this morning during my yoga practice and it would not leave my head. As I see it, to be FREE we must surrender because it is in the letting go that we become free to become who we are meant to be and see what we are meant see….

Letting Go and Seeing with different eyes…

(This video is also on the Miscellaneous Videos Page)

Free to see with a new set of eyes:

This video I made in 2010. The photos were taken over the years. Some feature Amy and Erin with their friends years ago. The Western part of North Carolina, where our house was, has some of the most spectacular waterfalls east of the Rockies. The reason for this huge number of waterfalls is because where North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina meet is the Blue Ridge Escarpment. Here the mountains drop off sharply to the foothills. This creates the perfect terrain for waterfalls. We have seen many of the falls over the years. The music is by Enya. I really enjoyed making this video: syncing the music, words and photos was fun…enJOY More of God’s wonders!

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