Dealing with RA and chronic diseases..

I have not posted recently on our site because I lacked the motivation.  Plus I have not felt well…

A Road to Freedom…


A Road to Freedom…

This video below is timely for me.  The third story (A Road to Freedom) was what I needed to see and hear.  This is my fourteenth year of living with RA. This has been a difficult year with many flares.  This Thursday during my early morning clay shooting I became sick with RA symptoms.  I left, came home, laid on the couch for the rest of the day because that was all I could do.  The same thing happened yesterday.  This is out of character.  So this is not me, defeated and laying on the couch. Those who know me realize that I can’t sit still.  RA was winning.  Besides long before RA I had become an exercise nut (as a dear friend like to  say).  Now I was immobile.

What to do?  Try a new biological drug? Orencia is the second biologic drug that I have been on.  From about 2005 until 2009 I had been on Humira.  It had worked well.  Then in 09 I had to have my gallbladder removed.  That required me to stop my RA meds.  Since I was off my meds for the surgery, with my rheumatologist guidance we tried a holistic treatment that year. It failed and I was once again in pain, exhausted and filled with malaise.  So here I am again at a crossroad.  What is the right way?  I prayed for God’s guidance.  I plan to talk with my doctor.

The third video  ‘A Road to Freedom’ reminded me of how I took control of the RA in 2010.  In hind sight I concluded that it wasn’t just the Orencia but the combination of that drug and the new discipline of yoga that brought me relief.  During this difficult year my yoga discipline has been terrible.  I suppose the ‘thrill was gone’ and yoga had lost its charm.  Yoga was unlike the aerobic exercises (biking and swimming) I had done for decades.  There was no immediate adrenalin rush.  Yet I knew yoga was a better fitness program for me.  SO this morning I will begin anew.  Hopefully this is a new turning point.

This post has been a catharsis for me and maybe it will help someone else with a chronic illness.  If this is an answer to prayer then, “God give me the strength to do the right thing.”


The Next Day: I am too tough and stubborn to stay down for long! Yesterday, I rededicated myself to my daily workout routines. I had been lazy for most of this year. I paid the price. Pain is a great motivator as we all know. Also, I plan to move my appointment with the rheumatologist to something sooner than next month. It may be time to try a new med (biologic)…There is an answer to this. God has always shown me the way…I need to be patient with myself as the answer is revealed.

Click Link to view…


6 Replies to “Dealing with RA and chronic diseases..”

  1. Jane Sewell

    David, I am moved by your recent post to write that I will be praying for you as you see physical relief and therapy. Your candor and courage shine through your writing. We love you and your family, grateful for the many years of friendship and caring. Blessings and love from Jane and family

  2. Marcia Smith

    David, I am so sorry to hear that you have been battling that darn RA again….please know that Tom and I are thinking about you and hope you find relief soon. BTW I loved the video of the dog and fox.

  3. Steve Smith

    Hello, I loved the 50th slideshow. I miss being with you and Jan. Linda and I just watched the presentation together and paused at frames to get our bearings. Our 50th is next year. I treasure my last visit with y’all..but for some reason I don’t remember the date. I just read about your struggle with RA. We are about to pray for you after I send this. I have been a Cancer guinea pig..” let’s try this”. Agent orange caused prostate cancer. A robot ripped out the offending basketball but they found more in a gland. Thus, radiation, chemo, loss of muscle tone, hot flashes, nausea, no stamina, etc…etc. But God has revealed His perfect plan. Our physical body is diminishing but our spirits are increasing. We are truly blessed to be believers and His children. We should talk sometime. Love, Steve and Linda

    • dksmith918 Post author

      Sadly we often learn our lessons best through pain. I’ve heard of your battle with cancer and keep you in my prayers. Yes, indeed it seems our gold needs more refining…”our dross needs consuming”…Hopefully our spirits will be thoroughly cleansed as our body is totally diminished…Since I tend to remain a ‘rebel’ I must surrender to Him daily so He can have His Way with me…We are now in the Charlotte suburb of Fort Mill. We would love to see y’all again. Jan is presently helping to care for her 96 year old Mom in Albany Georgia…Let’s keep in touch! Love you guys!


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